Get started

To build products using Blok, you’ll need:

  1. React (v18)
  2. Chakra UI (v2) component library
  3. Blok theme package
  4. Material Design Icons

More details on some of these dependencies below.

Chakra-cli v2

To start, install the Chakra-cli v2

npm i @chakra-ui/cli@2

Chakra component library

The Chakra UI v2 React component library is our foundation. To install:

npm i @chakra-ui/react@2 @emotion/react @emotion/styled framer-motion

More information: Installation - Chakra UI

Blok theme package

Use our custom Blok theme to restyle the Chakra components. To install:

npm i @sitecore/blok-theme

More information:

Once Blok is installed, go to your _app.tsx file. Set theme and toastOptions as follows:

import sitecoreTheme, { toastOptions } from '@sitecore/blok-theme'<ChakraProvider theme={sitecoreTheme} toastOptions={toastOptions}>

Material Design Icons

For interface iconography, use the Material Design Icons library by Pictogrammers. To install:

npm install @mdi/jsHow to use the Icon componentHow to choose the right icon

Internal resources