Get started
To build products using Blok, you’ll need:
- React (v18)
- Chakra UI (v2) component library
- Blok theme package
- Material Design Icons
More details on some of these dependencies below.
Chakra component library
The Chakra UI v2 React component library is our foundation. To install:
npm i @chakra-ui/react@2 @emotion/react @emotion/styled framer-motion
More information: Installation - Chakra UI
Blok theme package
Use our custom Blok theme to restyle the Chakra components. To install:
npm i @sitecore/blok-theme
More information:
Once Blok is installed, go to your _app.tsx
file. Set theme
and toastOptions
as follows:
import sitecoreTheme, { toastOptions } from '@sitecore/blok-theme'
<ChakraProvider theme={sitecoreTheme} toastOptions={toastOptions}>
Material Design Icons
For interface iconography, use the Material Design Icons library by Pictogrammers. To install:
npm install @mdi/js
How to use the Icon componentHow to choose the right iconInternal resources
Dev docs
Internal docs for dev teams consuming Blok.
Coding guidelines
Dos and don’ts when coding with Blok.
How to contribute
Find out how you can help improve Blok.